
Commitment to Meet or Exceed Environmental Standards

Celebration Key will live up to exacting standards of commitment to environmental sustainability, including:

  • An ongoing commitment to a low carbon footprint
  • Low waste generation and high standards of waste management
  • Responsible water management
  • World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for public health
  • Environmentally responsible operational choices
  • Ecosystem biodiversity

Environmental Management System

The Environmental Management System is designed to ensure that operation of the port will have as little impact on the environment as possible. This system will be strictly applied to all operations including Food and Beverage vendors and tenants, and will include but is not limited to the following:

Waste Management

  • Environmentally Sustainable collection and disposal of all waste generated by the construction and operation of the port
  • Ban on single use plastics on products where alternatives are readily available and affordable, and measures to reduce the use of the remaining plastics
  • Minimizing the use of products which will become solid waste such as aluminum and glass
  • Compost heaps generated from gardening maintenance



  • Advanced wastewater purification system with effluent used for landscaping in areas.



  • Water management to ensure the highest quality of water. Rainwater harvesting for basic water use.

Public Health

  • Guidelines for the protection of public health during design, construction and operational phases.
  • Integration of WHO guidelines for water quality integrated with Bahamian National Standards with a view to preserving exacting standards of Water Quality and Food Safety.



  • Some rooftops as well as other strategic areas will be outfitted with photovoltaic solar panels.

Ecosystem Biodiversity

  • Promotion of coral reef conservation
  • Promotion of mangrove conservation
  • Restriction on docked vessel maintenance and activities which may affect the ecosystem
  • Waste discharge from ships strictly forbidden
  • Commitment and promotion of coastal cleanups, whilst encouraging participation of local community along with crew members
  • Measures to preserve natural long-shore and cross-shore sand transport
  • Awareness and promotion of snorkeling, swimming and beach etiquette

Environmental Education and Awareness

Celebration Key will be committed to the promotion of an Environmental Education Program, aimed at raising awareness about the importance of conserving natural resources through learning about the port’s ecosystems as well as providing environmental training to all individuals involved in the design, construction and operation phases, including tour operators. This program will also encourage community involvement and stakeholder participation.

We are committed to establishing a system to control the implementation of all guidelines and operating procedures including those listed above, while also implementing periodical updates of these guidelines.